Information for New Parents/Carers
Bushfield is a junior school for children aged between 7 to 11 years old (academic years 3 to 6). The Pupil Admission Number (PAN) is 120 children in each year group. Our catchment area is defined as Wolverton (with the exception of the roads listed below), Old Wolverton and Wolverton Mill north of Ridgeway, Stacey Bushes, Haversham Village, Haversham Estate and Little Linford. The following roads in Wolverton are not in the defined area of Bushfield School: Addington Avenue, Carter Grove, Frank Atter Croft, Franklins Croft, Goddards Croft, Horners Croft and Marron Lane, Meacham Mead, Skyward Row, Vickers Way, Wilkinson Crescent and Whiting Close. As a Foundation School, the Governing Board is its own Admissions Authority, and our full admissions criteria is available below.
Welcome Information for our September 2024 Entrants will be posted here
5. Fresh Start Introduction Flyer
9. Uniform Standard Policy – Bushfield
11. Privacy Notice for Primary Pupils
12. How to register with ParentMail
Working Partnerships
We make sure we have strong links with other schools and agencies to ensure the best support for our children. This includes a close working partnership with the Local Council and their various departments such as admissions, attendance and the Inclusion and Assessment team. We also have strong links with our other local cluster of schools (Radcliffe, Greenleys, Haversham etc) whom we meet regularly and discuss developments in teaching and learning and communal events that we can all attend. We are also proactive in seeking specialist advice and support from private agencies where needed such as play therapists, Educational psychologists and Pupil referral unit (Milton Keynes Primary Pupil Referral Unit, URN 134310, Shenley Road, Milton Keynes, MK3 7AW). These links help form a supportive community of educationalists from whom we can share and draw support as needed.
We are a very open and friendly staff team. There is a strong commitment from everyone at the school to provide the best environment for the children to learn in – whether that’s in the classroom, at break and lunch times or down to the cleanliness of the school. Any vacancies to join the team are posted here.
When applying for either a teaching or support staff position, please use the following application form:
School Timetable
The school opens at 8:35am and the children come straight into the building and to their classrooms. Children arriving after 8:45am should go to the school office and sign in as a late arrival.
Morning break is at 10:45 – 11:00am
Lunchtime is between 12:00 – 13:00
The school day ends at 15:15
After school clubs* finish at 16:15
* Please note that afterschool clubs do not run in the first and last week of each term.
** This equates to 32.5 hours a week.
Office Hours
The school office is open from 8am to 4.45pm. You can leave a message on the answer machine if you can only contact us outside of these times.
Our Staff
Bushfield has a strong staff team of dedicated people who all work closely together to deliver the best for the children. Please follow the link below to see the full staff list.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast club is an informal morning drop in session run by the school where there is no need to book or sign up in advance. It opens at 7:45am – 08:45am in the main school hall and offers a variety of foods both hot and cold. The session costs a flat rate of £2.00 (payable through parent mail either daily or a week at a time). The children also have the opportunity to take part in early morning games and play as part of the session. Please contact the school office if you have any further questions.